Do you ever feel like you are cleaning or running errands constantly and missing out on valuable time with the kids? I know in my house I try to keep things organized (which is an epic failure) and try to spend time with my daughter but something has to give! I then heard a great little saying "clean less, play more". I thought to myself I must know the secrets of Stephanie O'Dea the author of Totally Together. She has created a great book/planner full of tips for organizing your life with shortcuts and useful reminders. The book includes seven daily chores that anyone in the family can do in just minutes, yearly, seasonally, monthly, and weekly chores divided into bite-sized chunks, household tips and cleaning shortcuts, guide for setting up meal plans,fun, fast recipes, reproducible grocery list with check boxes, an action plan for keeping the entire family organized, and much more! The tips section is an easy read that quickly and efficiently gets the house organized and ready for the daily seven. I have only just begun my adventure but I know that with all the available tips and a little practice I will be enjoying my daughter more and having a tidy house that seems to take care of itself!
Thank you :)