Looking for a great bag for back to school tote bag that will get noticed? I always like to provide the kiddos with something that will allow them to express their own personalities while being functional and affordable. My kids were big into adding jibits to their shoes so when I say Optari totes I knew they would be perfect! The company offers many different sizes and styles of bags. We personally own a tote bag which was great for the beach this summer and will go on to be used at dance class and at school. Optari also offers zip backpacks for kids that prefer that style over tote bags..not going to lie we are a huge tote bag family! The great thing about the Optari tote bags are that they are colorful so it makes them easy to spot in the crowd and you can personalize with interchangeable charms that are made for all ages. When we used the tote at the beach this summer I had a more adult theme charm on the bag since I had to lug it around with all the towels. The bag is waterproof and super easy to clean if anything spills such as juice or just needs a quick wipe down. Here is an Optari tote (also available in backpack style and wristlets):
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that the follow Optari on twitter link isn't working